Hookup with CoverLover69

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I am a 36 years old straight single man living in Brandon, Florida

I�m very keen or smart, I�m aware of all things going on around me at all times.

I�m an Introvert, Thinking, Judging type of person. I�m an information gathering person, concentrating on the data and I�m very objective, immediate, concrete, and pragmatic. My affinity for the here and now leaves me to assume nothing, to take nothing for granted. Since this comes easy and naturally to me, I expect similar behavior from virtually everyone. I am extremely demanding at home and at work, even at play. My home is very neat and I carry out domestic activities with efficiency and on time. Holiday and family affairs are extremely important, and become the focus of life. In a relationship, my word is as good as gold, and once declared �I love you� I can be trusted to be true to that sentiment for years to come though I may not say it often. This may be hard for you to understand, but actions truly speak louder than words. The continued expression of love comes not in the saying but in the doing. This not talking or nonverbal style of affection often get me in hot water because it can be perceived as uncaring.

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